Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC Microcontroller EMBEDDED By Pankaj Khatri May 14, 2018 4 Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC microcontroller In this tutorial, we are making a Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor . In this project, we will sense the temperature using LM35 and display it on 16x2 LCD . LM35 Temperature Sensor is accurate and cheaper and doesn’t require any external calibration. The output voltage is proportional to Celsius temperature scale and changes by 10mV per °C. Material Required PicKit 3 LM35 Temperature Sensor 16*2 LCD PIC16F877A IC 40 - Pin IC holder Perf board 20 MHz Crystal OSC Female and Male Bergstick pins 33pf Capacitor - 2Nos, 100uf and 10uf cap. 680 ohm, 220 ohm, 10K and 560ohm Resistor Potentiometer 10k LED of any color 1 Soldering kit IC 7805 12V Adapter Connecting wires Breadboard LM35 Temperature Sensor: LM35 temperature sensor ...